An HRIS, also known as a Human Resources Information Systems, or Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is the ultimate combination of Information Technology and Human Resources.
Startups or companies focused on creating employee-based solutions often default to the white-collar office worker at the expense of blue collar or field workers. White collar workers are traditionally thought of as sitting in a cubicle in front of their computer for most of the day, so why not cater to their needs? Here HRIS Comes into the picture.
The truth is technology has become just as essential in blue-collar industries, yet there is still a lack of understanding about what tools these blue collar workers need to best do their jobs. Here are three reasons why traditional HRIS the same old “desktop” thinking doesn’t work for blue collar workers.
1. Email Isn’t Necessary
The vast majority of white-collar employees communicate via email. Unlike their office-bound counterparts, not all blue-collar workers even have a corporate email address. This is why an email address isn’t necessary to sign in. Many blue-collar workers are more comfortable with text messages or phone calls rather than being bombarded with email chains all day.
2. Always On the Move
Blue-collar workers are usually on their feet when working and rarely not using their hands. Traditional software simply hasn’t been made with the blue-collar employee in mind. Any tool blue collar employees use for work must be created with their work life in mind. This means speed, ease of use, and reliability are vital to successful blue collar worker adoption. Employers shouldn’t expect their blue-collar workers to constantly have to check in with the digital tools they implement.
3. Connecting the Unconnected
Developing a sense of culture and community in an office is much easier than across different non-desk job sites. Blue collar workers traditionally were only able to communicate with co-workers at their site, but with new employee communication apps, companies have been able to connect with their staff across all locations seamlessly using mobile. From construction to manufacturing and hospitality, blue-collar workers need flexible, intuitive digital tools that meet their unique needs.
The truth is blue collar workers are much more tech-savvy than previously thought. But because of their unique responsibilities and work environments, porting traditional desktop tools for their use just doesn’t work. For blue-collar employers that know how important communication is with their employees, it’s time to start using solutions that speak directly to them.